Thursday, October 11, 2018

Grow a Pair - at the Lakes this weekend

It's the Lakes International Comic Art Festival in Kendal this weekend. I won't be there but cartoonist Marc Jackson will be, and he's bringing his new comic with him. 

As a departure from his usual children's comics, Grow A Pair is aimed at adults, but with the same daft style of fun from Marc that we're used to, albeit darker. Here's Marc to reveal more...

"It’s the tale of 13 year old Dusty Danson, who after seeking advice from his talking pin-up poster, gets super powers from a Space Genie called Gene. Dusty discovers that with great powers comes… well, you’ll have to find out! This is my first foray into comics for a slightly older audience (Teen+) and I’ve had fun doing something a little different, both storywise and visually!"
Marc explains more about the background to the comic...

"I’ve worked in partnership with The Lakes Comic Art Festival and Wacom to create the comic, it’s my first full length comic drawn using a Cintiq. Part of the project required me to blog about the creation of the comic on social media and I regularly posted images on my instagram"

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