Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Preview: Doctor Who Magazine No.531

In the shops this Thursday 18th October, Doctor Who Magazine No.531 will be a collectable edition for all Whovians and comic fans. It features the debut of the 13th Doctor in comic strip form in the start of a new story, The Warmonger, written by Scott Gray and drawn by John Ross. 

Here's a taste of it, from John Ross' pencils before the strip was inked, coloured, and lettered...

The issue also features another Daft Dimension strip by me, once again featuring the Daleks. Here's one panel...

Articles this issue include exclusive previews of the next four episodes of Doctor Who, an interview with Bradley Walsh (who plays Graham in the new series), an interview with John Levine, a feature on the 50th anniversary of UNIT, and much more! 

Doctor Who Magazine No.531, 84 pages for £5.99, available from newsagents, comic shops, and supermarkets across the UK from Thursday 18th October.

Follow the magazine's Twitter feed:


  1. The Doctor dances... that old Venusian karaoke casts its spell once again. :-)

  2. I e-mailed in to praise "The Daft Dimension", particularly the instalment from #530.

    And they published the letter!

    Stephen Parry


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