Sunday, October 14, 2018

Radio Times features the new TARDIS

A heads up for collectors of Doctor Who memorabilia. This week's Radio Times, on sale Tuesday 16th October, will have a feature on the new TARDIS interior, and an exclusive cover shot of the new Doctor.

Response to the new series seems overwhelmingly positive so far from those who have watched it. Jodie Whittaker has captured the Doctor's personality perfectly and there's no doubt that she's the same character who has been portrayed by over a dozen previous actors. The supporting cast are likeable too, and it'll be interesting to see their characters develop over the coming weeks. The stories feel fresh, whilst maintaining a classic Doctor Who structure, and the new film quality looks sensational. This IS Doctor Who

I know some have chosen not to watch it simply because a woman has been cast in the role. Well, they're missing out on good telly. If viewers can accept an alien shapeshifter who has been skinny, short, blonde, curly, old, young, or whatever in previous regenerations they should be able to accept a change of a few more chromosomes for the character to become female for once. The gender of the character shouldn't be an issue. The personality and principles are what define The Doctor, and Jodie Whittaker has nailed it. 

1 comment:

  1. Quite right. All I cared about was that they cast someone who can act. Doesn't matter about gender or race. Chris Chibnall knew what he was doing when he cast Jodie.


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