Wednesday, October 03, 2018

This week's COMMANDO comics...

Here's the info on the four latest issues of Commando, out now!

5163: Home of Heroes: The Last Men at Dunkirk

Sergeant Ronnie Malloy stood alone on the French pier looking out towards the sea. The beach was deserted bar the smoking husks of discarded British trucks. The lines of men desperate to clamber aboard the ships bound for Blighty were all gone and the place was silent except for the quiet ebb of the tide. In the distance, Ronnie watched the armada of little ships, chock-full of men, sail away to Britain, leaving him behind. He had been abandoned… one of the last men in Dunkirk.

| Story | Iain McLaughlin | Art | Muller | Cover | Janek Matysiak |

5164: Gold Collection: Death of a U-boat

To the tough rowdies of the whaling fleets from Greenland to the South Pole, he was just ‘Big Olaf’. Star harpoon-gunner of them all, the ship that had Olaf aboard broke records for whales caught and bonuses paid. Six feet four inches of blonde Norwegian with eyes as icy green as the seas he roved, and muscles to suit his tough trade.

He sailed along with British skipper, Danny Parker, and here was a fighting twosome to make the Nazi raiders think twice about their takeover bid for the Antarctic – and whalers.

| Story | McOwan | Art | Gordon C Livingstone | Cover | Ken Barr|
Originally Commando No. 262 (May 1967).

5165: Action and Adventure: Desert Rescue!

Lieutenant Guy Lewis was desperate for action. Fresh out of officer’s training, he was bored of playing squash in Cairo to pass the time.

Then Guy got the news he had been waiting for – a posting in the North African desert with one of the most notorious Allied regiments – the Long Range Desert Group!

| Story | Jim & David Turner | Art | Paolo Ongaro | Cover | Neil Roberts |

5166: Silver Collection: Fighting Civvy

Bill Carpenter was a civilian, a top salesman for farming machinery who wanted nothing to do with the war. But no-one had told the Germans that, and he found himself caught up in the retreat to Dunkirk.

Civvy or not, Bill was forced to fight to survive. And if the Jerries had known how good he was going to be, they would have left him alone!

| Story | Mike Knowles| Art | Gordon C Livingstone | Cover | Ian Kennedy |
Originally Commando No. 2873 (July 1995).

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