Monday, November 12, 2018

Willie and Tim in 1932

Who's for another dip into the past? Here's the cover to Illustrated Chips No.2165, dated March 5th 1932 scanned from my collection. The permanent cover stars of the comic are Weary Willie and Tired Tim, drawn by Percy Cocking.

Willie and Tim were very popular with the readers of the time. Possibly the most popular comics characters of the early 20th Century... although Ally Sloper and Tiger Tim probably gave them a run for their money. 

Illustrated Chips is now one of the comics owned by Rebellion Publishing, so it'd be nice to see a collection of such vintage material. I doubt it'd happen though, as interest in such strips these days is too small to make it viable. Perhaps somehow, one day though...! 


  1. Well I doubt anyone reading that story would have guessed how it was going to end up! 10 out of 10 for imagination!

  2. Nicely drawn and agree with other comment the ending is clever...


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