Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Reviews: REVEREND CROSS Nos.5 and 6

I'd like to begin this review with an apology to John Short for taking so long to review comics that he sent me months ago. I've fallen behind with reviews but I'm aiming to correct that this week. 

I was so far behind that I have two issues of Reverend Cross to review. Which means double the fun in this case, because John Short's comics are always good escapist entertainment. Issue No.5 has a full length story written by John A. Short and drawn by Gabriele Noble in which our vicar / special agent takes on two classic monsters in a frozen climate. (I won't spoil it!) Short's writing is sharp and well paced, and he tells a story clearly, better than some 2000AD writers whose work I've read. (John has been a professional writer on mags such as Toxic so he knows his stuff.) The artwork is a good match, complimenting the script with its no-nonsense approach and sequential clarity. I think this issue is my favourite of the run so far.

With issue 6, there's a change of pace as we get four short stories featuring Reverend Cross instead on one full length adventure. Nevertheless, John Short is experienced and skilled enough to carry it off with ease. There are some nice comedy moments amongst the perils too. 

The big difference with issue 6 is that it features guest artists on three of the stories. I'd have preferred Gabrielle Noble's art throughout, but it's very interesting to see others portraying the character. Andrew Richmond, Richard Starzecki, and Richard Pester all contribute, and the differing styles provide a lot of variety. We also get two pages of character profiles, which is handy.

Reverend Cross is a good independent comic, and it's pleasing to see that it's reached six issues already. As it's published infrequently, John wisely makes each issue self-contained, which is always a big bonus! Another bonus is the very reasonable price of these comics. Some indie publishers charge far too much for their comics, and with digital printing being so affordable these days there's no need for it. If you're trying to attract an audience, £10 for a slim mini comic is not the way to do it. Reverend Cross costs £2.99 an issue (plus postage) for 24 pages, which sounds like a good deal to me. 

Interested? Head over to the Kult Creations Reverend Cross blog to order your copies today!

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