Wednesday, December 05, 2018

The Christmas MARVEL LEGENDS (2018)

Truth be told, it's likely that the only festive thing about this issue will be the snow on the logo and Cap wearing a Santa hat, but editor Brady Webb always likes to add those traditional seasonal elements to the comics he edits so that merits an inclusion in Blimey's Christmas comics listings. 

Marvel Legends Vol. 4 006. On sale 6th December 2018. £4.50.
76 awesome action-packed pages starring Marvel’s Big 3!

Will one Thor be enough to stop Mangog! By Jason Aaron, James Harren!
Also: Captain America battles the new Swordsman! By Mark Waid & Chris Samnee!

Plus: The Search for Tony Stark continues! Iron Man is BACK! ‘Nuff said, True Belivers! By Brian Michael Bendis, Sara Pichelli and Alex Maleev!

Reprinting material from Mighty Thor #701, Captain America #696 and Invincible Iron Man #599.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really loving the Thor storyline.

    How tastes change in a person, too. As a kid, I had zero interest in any of the Asgardian stuff. I read it like it was a chore. I was all, "Come on, let's get back to New York and have some supervillains."

    The reverse is true now. I prefer the Asgardian storylines now. In fact, I rarely, if ever, want to see Thor - any Thor - on Earth. The Asgardian mythology is so rich and compelling, that I want more of it. Much more.

    Stephen Parry


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