Saturday, December 15, 2018

The Christmas WHAM! (1965)

Here we go with my blog's traditional annual look back at Christmas comics of long ago. Regular readers will know that I do this every year and there'll be a different festive comic every day from now until Christmas. 

We're kicking off with the seasonal issue of Wham!, No.80, dated 25th December 1965 (which would have been in the shops on Monday 20th). The front and back covers feature The Tiddlers, the hilariously anarchic schoolkids created by Leo Baxendale. Leo wasn't drawing every strip by this time but we're in luck this week as he did this set.

Here's a handful of interior strips...

The Wacks drawn by Gordon Hogg...

Eagle-Eye, Junior Spy drawn by Leo Baxendale...

Frankie Stein drawn by Ken Reid...

Georgie's Germs drawn by Leo Baxendale...

Wham! had 20 pages for 7d, compared to its competitor Buster at the time which had 40 pages for 7d... but Wham! was cheekier, fresher, more raucous, and funnier in the opinion of many of us. 

Don't forget that Frankie Stein and all of Ken Reid's other strips for Wham!, Smash! and Pow! have been collected in two luxurious hardback books. You can order them from this link:

Another Christmas comic tomorrow! Which year will the Blimey-Timey Machine take us to next? Join us and find out!

All WHAM! art Copyright © Rebellion Publishing Limited.

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