Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The next four COMMANDO comics

5183: Home of Heroes: Raid over Heilbronn

Among the snowy clouds above Germany hides many eager Me 109s waiting to poach a fat British Bomber! Iain McLaughlin weaves a tale of isolation and tension aboard a Lancaster on the long, fraught journey to its target. But will the men aboard W-for-William return from their bombing raid over Heilbronn?

| Story | Iain McLaughlin | Art | Paolo Ongaro | Cover | Janek Matysiak |

5184: Gold Collection: Coward in the Cockpit

Imagine a pilot being frightened of the plane beneath him! Well, Sergeant Pilot Jack Warren might have had trouble performing in the cockpit, but once you got him on the ground with a captured Luger in his hand he was a different man!  

| Story | Wilkinson | Art | Fleming | Cover | Buccheri |
Originally Commando No. 280 (August 1967).

5185: Action and Adventure: The June Winter

Jason Cobley tackles the controversial action of the Falkland’s War in his second ever issue of Commando! Yomp with the marines of 3 Commando after entering a war on the other side of the world, where many didn’t understand why Britain was fighting so hard to keep the Falkland Islands… but they would find out.

| Story | Jason Cobley | Art | Carlos Pino | Cover | Carlos Pino |

5186: Silver Collection: Mystery of the Sands

Lieutenant Chris Craven was a traitor! Or at least that’s what everyone had thought… For over fifty years, the mystery of Craven lay undiscovered in the North African desert but the men who served with him would finally learn the truth!

| Story | CG Walker | Art | Gual | Cover | Ian Kennedy |
Originally Commando No. 2894 (October 1995).

1 comment:

  1. You know it's Xmas when the distribution of Commando through Smiths goes haywire:
    2 copies of Sands, nothing of the other three.
    Lots of Ramsey's Raiders. Maybe RR is a follow up to the success (?) of Rebellion's recent Sniper series? Which was really a games tie-in, rather than a war comic as such.
    Looking forward to the sequel: Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Raiders. The shouting, the swearing, the violence. And that's just mashing the potatoes.


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