Sunday, December 09, 2018

The second issue of FANSCENE is now available!

Issue 2 of Fanscene is now available to download for free, - and it's a mammoth 212 page edition!

Published by David Hathaway-Price and featuring articles by an array of writers, Fanscene No.2 celebrates 50 years of UK comic cons with articles on various events from the past half decade. The magazine is very nicely designed and features numerous photos and images from over the years. 

It's well worth your time, and even if you've been involved in fandom or the comics industry for years you'll still learn something new from all the personal recollections and history contained within. 

Visit this link to find out more and to download your copy:

1 comment:

  1. I love that cover! It's nice to see all those Brit characters together... and Stan Lee!


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