Saturday, March 02, 2019

35 years in comics

I was wondering why today's date felt relevant, then I remembered... I sold my first professional cartoons in 1983 but wasn't earning enough to turn pro, then it was on this day, March 2nd 1984, when I went full time and registered as self employed. 35 years to the day, freelancing in comics, and I've met some great people along the way, including many of you who have become firm friends. 

I've also encountered people along the way who have stated that it's impossible to earn a living solely doing British comics... and admittedly there have been tough times, but I've been doing comics week in, week out, for 35 years and managed to pay off my mortgage a few years ago so it is possible, and many others will have similar stories to mine. 

It's never an easy ride being self employed, and a lonely path to take, but if you have a passion for something you have to follow it. Each year is unpredictable and you never know what ideas and characters will spring forth, what opportunities will come along. For all the highs and lows I'd still rather be doing this for a living than anything else, so thanks for all your encouragement and friendship over the years. Onward into the unknown and hopefully more daft comics! (The photo above is from 1985 but it's the closest one to the date. That was when I was still living with my mum so the floral wallpaper wasn't my choice. :))


  1. Great you've been able to make it work and enjoy it...well done..I'm coming up to 10 years drawing is a great job...But you do have to work hard...

  2. Thanks Peter. I'm glad it's working out for you too.

  3. Well done. I'm not a subscriber to the Doctor Who mag, but when I do see it I've always enjoyed your strip therein.

  4. Congratulations, Lew. And thanks for being so engaging at various comic cons.

    Stephen Parry

  5. Thanks Stephen. More conventions to come this year! :)

  6. Congrats Lew. Your Photoshop skills are brilliant too. It almost looks as if that hair is real ;-)


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