Monday, March 04, 2019

Cover preview: DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE No.536

On sale this Thursday, Doctor Who Magazine No.536 is another 84 packed pages of news, reviews, interviews, features and strips about the long-running TV show. 

There's the second part of Herald of Madness, the new comic strip serial by Scott Gray, Mike Collins, David Roach and James Offredi featuring the 13th Doctor...

...and a new Daft Dimension strip from me featuring the Macra!

Doctor Who Magazine No.536, published by Panini UK, £5.99, available from WH Smith, supermarkets, selected newsagents, and comic shops from Thursday 7th March. 


  1. Good timing for a Macra themed Daft Dimension strip when the issue happens to have an article about The Macra Terror! :)


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