Saturday, April 20, 2019

Preview: COMIC SCENE No.3

There's a new issue of Comic Scene out this week and once again it's full of good stuff pertaining to comics old and new. The highlight for me was a new interview with veteran artist Ian Kennedy, who this year celebrates 70 years in the comics business! An incredible achievement, and Ian is still as skilled and sharp as ever.

Other features include the final part of the look back at the history of Marvel UK. A great article but sadly stops short just before a lot of us began creating new material for the company...

A look back at Buster...

An interview with Roy Thomas...

An item on Avengers Endgame...

The latest episode of Marc Jackson's Whackoman strip... much more, including a look at the state of UK independent comics, Frankie Stein in the 1970s, Writing for the 13th Doctor, Batman in the 1950s, Pat Mills, and I've written a behind the scenes article on the Cor!! Buster Special...

Comic Scene No.3 will be on sale in WH Smith and comic shops from Thursday 25th April, or you can subscribe here:

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