Friday, May 17, 2019

Tommy Donbavand

I'm very sorry to hear of the passing of writer Tommy Donbavand, who lost his long fight against cancer a few days ago. 

Tommy was a successful writer on The Beano, Doctor Who Adventures, and other titles as well as the award-winning author of the Scream Street books (now a TV series), a playwright, and a theatrical actor, to name just a few of his impressive accomplishments. 

Online, he documented his fight against his illness at the Tommy vs Cancer website, which was published in print and available from Amazon:

Tommy's memoirs of his battle are both harrowing and darkly comic, and I doubt many of us would have the same incentive and strength of spirit to do that in similar situations. A multi-talented, good man who earned a huge amount of respect from all who knew him or read about him. I never met Tommy but I had great admiration for his work and his strength of character when faced with such adversity. My condolences to his family and friends on their loss.

If you'd like to help Tommy's family financially you can donate via the JustGiving website here:


1 comment:

  1. I remember the story that you showed - well, some of it; a good one.


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