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Thursday, July 25, 2019

Pick up COMBAT COLIN No.4 at the LONDON FILM AND COMIC CON this weekend!

Combat Colin No.4 is out now, and you'll be able to buy it exclusively from my table at the London Film and Comic Con this weekend at Olympia, Friday to Sunday, Table 28, upstairs at the Comic Zone! Not available in the shops!

If you can't make it to London, you can order it by mail from my web shop here:

If you are coming to London though, it'll be great to meet you so drop by my table. I'll be sketching on request and selling my comics. I'll also be doing a couple of talks...

Saturday 27th July:
10.45 - "Working in Humour Comics". 
Not exactly a workshop, but more of a freewheeling discussion about life in humour comics, how it's changed over the years, advice on breaking in, etc. I'm doing this on my own so I hope you'll turn up and support it!

Sunday 28th July:
4.00 P.M. - "Creating World for Children".
A panel discussion alongside Jess Bradley, Kate Brown, Grant Perkins, and David Leach talking about our work in kids' comics and our thoughts on the industry. 

LFCC is always a busy event so it's going to be a hectic weekend! See you there!

If you want to find out more about Combat Colin No.4, see my other blog here:

Info about the London Film and Comic Con here:

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