Sunday, July 07, 2019

My other blog!

As I've mentioned before, Blimey! blog will be drawing to a close later this year. I've been blogging about comics history and promoting the work of others since 2006, although not so many reciprocate by plugging my self-published comics. I think after 13 years of blogging I've done my bit, don't you? It's becoming more of a chore these days, and too time consuming, especially when other blogs often cover the same news. 

There's also been a notable lack of hits this year, and less comments. Even friends in the industry tend to prefer getting their news from John Freeman's Down the Tubes site now, and that's understandable as John puts a lot of work into it and goes more in-depth on his reports.

My other blog will continue though. is my business blog where I preview my own upcoming work and show some old strips of mine from the past 35 years or more. (I'll soon be showing some early Robo-Capers strips there, for those of you who have been asking to see them again.) I'll also be posting my thoughts and experiences of the comics industry there from time to time, and showing photos from the comic cons I attend. I'll probably talk about the techniques of comics too at times, so there'll be plenty to read... if enough of you are interested! 

If you like my comic strips (and I presume most of you do, or you wouldn't be here) please bookmark and follow my other blog. Thanks!


  1. I completely understand your reasoning here, Lew. It's been an age since my blog has received any comments, people seem to leave the comments now on the social media posts that publicise the blog instead. They go to the blog, read it and then go back to the Instagram post and leave their comment there. I'm also moving away from publishing news stories on The Oink! Blog, I'll use social media for that (going to concentrate on Instagram for the blog instead of Twitter, there seems to be a much better degree of hits and interactions there, I suppose because comics are a visual medium after all), and the blog will concentrate on good quality posts about Oink! itself which I've been remiss with this year, and full reviews of the Beyond Oink! comics, such as Transformers and of course there's a guy named Colin coming back with issue 4 of his comic later this month ;)

  2. You're right, Phil. Even when I ask people to leave comments on the blog they often prefer to post comments on Twitter or Facebook instead. I suppose it's easier. Nothing lasts forever and I think there's a shift away from blogging now.

    As always, thanks for your support of my comics, Phil. It's always appreciated.

  3. Thanks for all your hard work and will be used by me in the future...thanks for doing this

  4. Blimey indeed! It was good while it lasted. Enjoy your retirement Lew. Any plans?

  5. Erm... to carry on working! I'm not retiring, Anon!

  6. I'll certainly miss this blog Lew. I don't participate on twitter or Facebook etc but willhave lots of old articles to read here to last me.

  7. I love this site as well as John's DTT, but, yes, I never comment anymore - I honestly can't figure out why, as I'm not on Facebook, Instagram or Titter (or indeed anything),but I do read regularly and for sure I'll wander over to your new blog.

    Maybe I'll comment there, too!

    All the best to you, Lew - thank you for helping to keep the UK comics flag flying!

  8. Thanks for commenting today anyway Karlos!


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