Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Beano sales up again

This week's issue. Art by Nigel Parkinson.
Over on his Down the Tubes blog, John Freeman has the latest sales figures of British comics and publications from the past six months... and sales of Beano are on the increase again for the fifth year in a row.

Some cynics will no doubt claim that today's Beano sales of 42,255 are poor compared to the figures of 40 or 60 years ago, but let's be fair... sales of all publications have fallen a lot since then! The fact that the Beano is increasing its sales whilst most others are falling is something to be proud of... and 42,255 copies a week is far more than most American comics titles manage in a month! 

You can read more at the Down the Tubes site at this link:

Beano website:


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