Sunday, August 18, 2019

Combat Colin comic orders update

Thank you to everyone who's ordered copies of my Combat Colin comics recently. I've had a few delays in sending them out (holiday, deadlines, and now a chest infection) but most have been dispatched and the rest are ready to go this week. Thank you for your patience! 

Several of you have ordered back issues too, which is great. This meant that Combat Colin No.2 had to go to a second printing, and it looks like issue 1 will have to go to a third printing soon too! The new printings all have matt-laminated covers so they look really nice. 

In case you'd somehow missed my previous plugs for these comics, I'm reprinting all my old Combat Colin strips that originally appeared in Action Force and The Transformers back in 1987 to 1991. We're currently at issue 4 and there'll be two more issues next year to complete the run. All the pages are scanned from my original art, where possible. (Sadly, some of my later pages went missing from the Marvel UK offices, or were inadvertently destroyed after use, so those pages will be scanned from the comics.) 

If you haven't ordered the comics yet, you can get them exclusively from me at my web shop at this link:

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