Tuesday, August 06, 2019

It was the Sixties, man!

The Cloak ©Mike Higgs
For the next issue of Comic Scene (out later this month) I've written a brief history of Pow! comic. I supplied a bunch of images too, but sadly this one wasn't used which is a shame. No worries though, because Blimey! readers now get to see it anyway. It's a fantastic panel from The Cloak by Mike Higgs, where the titular hero and Lady Shady engage in a clash of magic spells with the villain The Warlock. 

This is the sort of scene that made Pow! stand out from "ordinary" British comics of the day and was a big influence on my Combat Colin strip years later. Mike's artistry here is great, and so contemporary for the era. Mike always liked hand-lettering his own sound effects too (another thing that influenced me) and he went to town on this panel! 

The Cloak always delivered the unexpected. A spy strip that could include monsters, witchcraft, space travel, or anything! For many of us this was one of the best strips of the 1960s! 


  1. Wouldn‘t it be great to have a collected edition of the series! I remember reading somewhere that Mike has retained rights to the strip, so perhaps it would make it worth his while to go the crowdfunding way for financing the book! I would surely back it :)

  2. It's something Mike has considered for years (publishing, not crowdfunding) but he's retired now so I'm not sure it'll happen unfortunately.


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