Monday, August 12, 2019

The BLACK WIDOW Epic Collection is coming!

With a Black Widow movie finally appearing in 2020 starring Scarlett Johansson, it was inevitable that Marvel would capitalise on their vintage stories for a reprint collection. Therefore in February 2020 look out for Black Widow Epic Collection Volume 1: Beware the Black Widow, a 424 page softback. It'll reprint Natasha Romanov's earliest appearances in Marvel comics, starting with her debut as a villain in the Iron Man stories from Tales of Suspense, through to her appearances with The Avengers, and her 1970 solo series from Amazing Adventures

I'll predict that some of the more contemporary Black Widow stories might turn up in Panini UK's Mighty World of Marvel around that time too. 

OK, this has nothing to do with British comics but I'm betting that some of you are fans of the Black Widow anyway so I thought I'd spread the news. Normal service will be resumed with the next post. :) 
©Marvel Studios.



  1. Count me in as one of those interested in this book Lew so thanks for the heads up . I lived those early Widow solo stories in Amazing Adventures.

  2. I've always liked the character. Well, at least from the point when they gave her the redhead / leather makeover. The two earlier incarnations were a bit directionless (but had nice art by Don Heck for her earliest stories).


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