Wednesday, September 11, 2019

About reviews

My apologies for those of you still waiting for me to review your comics. I was running late with them anyway but that virus I had the other week knocked me about more than I thought and I'm still getting my act together. Naturally I have to put paid work first, and this blog has to take a backseat to that and other priorities. 

As you've seen, I've continued posting brief plugs for comics and cut and pasting press releases for Rebellion's books, but actually doing a proper review, reading the comic and formulating a decent article, takes time I don't have at present. I'll do them whenever I can though. Thanks for your patience. 

Please don't ask me to review any more comics though as this blog will be closing in a few months. Blimey! was never intended to be a review site, but it wandered down that way and I'll be getting it back on track, as a blog about old comics and related items, before the end. 


  1. Your blogs have been fantastic. I do hope we can still see your exceptional archiving skills for years to come.

    I like reviews but I came here for the nostalgic stuff.

    Thanks for your time and effort over the years.

  2. Thanks. The blog will still be here, just not updated after a certain point. With over 2,000 posts there'll always be something for people to discover. :)

  3. Correction: Now over 3,000 posts! Plenty to read.


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