Thursday, September 12, 2019

Andy Capp gets political

For the first time in 62 years, Andy Capp has put down his pint to make a political stand.... and he's not in favour of Brexit! 

Controversial for some, although most of the comments I've seen are in his favour, as one might hope from readers of the Daily Mirror. After all, it's the average working person who'll be hardest hit by Brexit. 

The Mirror asked Andy to explain himself, and he has, with the help of his writers, summing up the whole Brexit situation concisely and in a very funny way. You can read all about it here...

Good on you, Andy! Voice of the people!

See Andy Capp in the Daily Mirror every day!


  1. The Mirror has always been anti-Brexit, so this isn't surprising. Seems out of character for Andy to get off his lazy bum and do some work though!

  2. The ordinary working class are in favour of brexit, it's the avocado eating soft southerners that are agin it.

  3. Really? Well I grew up on a council estate for 30 years with a working class background and haven't eaten avocado in my life and I voted remain. I think it's more a case of the badly informed and the very rich who voted for Brexit regardless of class.


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