Sunday, September 08, 2019

Are you a fan of Ken Reid's work?

Admittedly the header is a daft question. I've never met anyone who's read a good sampling of Ken Reid's work who isn't a fan of his fantastic creativity and darkly funny style. Well, in case you didn't already know, the best place to go for afficiandos of Ken's work and career is the Kazoop! blog hosted by Irmantas Povilaika.

There you'll find great articles on Ken's strips from throughout his life, and well researched historical anecdotes. 

It's not solely a blog about Ken Reid though. You'll find plenty of material on other vintage British strips and their creators as well! 

As you know, Blimey! blog will be ending later this year, so if you're looking for an alternative for a fix on classic UK comics, Kazoop! is the one to go to. Accept no imitations! 

(Irmantas is also the publisher of the definitive books on Ken Reid's Odhams strips. A marvellous two-volume hardback set you can purchase here: )

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