Monday, September 23, 2019

Cover Preview: BEANO No.4004

Here's a peek at Nigel Parkinson's cover for The Beano No.4004. The issue has a theme of "slime" to several of the stories and it'll be in the shops on Wednesday 25th September, priced £2.75. 

While I'm at it, I may as well show you a glimpse of my (non-slime) Pup Parade strip for that issue. This week the spotlight is on Tubby! 


  1. It's good to have you back in Beano, Lew! 😊

  2. Thanks Andrew. The mini strips will skip some issues, so unfortunately Pup Parade won't be in the Halloween or Christmas editions, and maybe not the New Year one either. I'm determined to do a suitably wintery theme for one sometime in January though.


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