Tuesday, September 03, 2019

The BEANO CHRISTMAS SPECIAL is in the shops now!

Bizarrely enough, shelved beside The Dandy Summer Special!
I noticed this in WH Smiths today. The ink may be barely dry on the Summer Specials but the Beano Christmas Special is out now! 68 pages of all new strips and activity pages in the bookazine format. 

(Before anyone asks; no, I'm not in it. I just thought I'd give it a plug.)

As I noted the other week, last year there was some confusion from some who don't buy these comics so I should explain that this is not the annual. Nor is it the Christmas issue of the regular weekly. It's an additional special issue that will be on the shelves for the next few months (or however quickly it sells out). 

A perfect stocking stuffer to get kids for Christmas, or to read this Autumn while you await the festive season! 

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