Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Coming next year: DEATH SQUAD!

I noticed this on Amazon earlier tonight. In August 2020, Rebellion will be publishing a collection of Death Squad, the tough war series that began in Battle-Action in July 1980. Written by Alan Hebden and illustrated by Eric Bradbury, readers are in for a treat! (The cover states that Carlos Ezquerra was involved too. I didn't know that. Perhaps he drew episodes for the annuals?) 

More info on Amazon, where you can pre-order the book...

No doubt Rebellion will reveal more information next summer but this blog will be long gone by then so I thought I'd give people the heads up today. 


  1. Poor choice for a collection. I stopped with Battle circa 1980 or so by which time the golden age was over.

    So many other series it could have done - eg Rat Pack [I see a volume came out in 2012]; Mike Nelson - the Eagle; Joe Two Beans; Cowards Brand on Bradley; Bamboo Curtain; gosh so many...

  2. ...and perhaps they will. I'm sure Death Squad won't be the only book they'll do.

  3. I remember thinking at the time that this series bore a definite resemblance to Sven Hassel's books.


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