Sunday, November 10, 2019

The End is Nigh!

As you know, I'll be ending this blog in a few weeks' time. At the moment I haven't decided on a date yet. In any case, Blimey! will close before 2020 dawns. 

The reasons why I'm ending this blog are varied, and I'll explain more in my final posting in a few weeks. Basically though, I feel I've done my bit promoting British comics over the past 13 years and it's time to put more effort into promoting my own work. That means of course that my Lew Stringer Comics blog will continue! 

Bear in mind that Blimey! won't be deleted. I'll just stop updating it. All the old posts will still be there to read.

In the meantime, I still have comics I promised to plug, and other posts to write so this blog still has a little bit of life in it yet! More news and reviews to come this week. 



  1. Can't say I'm looking forward to the final post, Lew but obviously respect your decisiĆ³n. Perhaps you will find the time to post now and again? Thanks for all the great posts. I will be revisiting your posts on Xmas covers next month, that's for sure. Best wishes.

  2. Thanks John. At times in the past I'd only intended to post once a month or so but then more and more people expect stuff to be promoted and reviewed and it became just as time consuming as ever. It's better to put a definite end to it I think. Otherwise I'd only upset some by "cherry picking" certain news to cover.

  3. Always enjoy reading Blimey so will miss it when it goes, it was one if the first (if not the first) comic blogs I read. But you've more than done your bit for UK comics fandom from small press to blogs

  4. Thanks Paul. I'll still be writing bits for Comic Scene on occasion I hope, so there'll still be new articles out there from me. :)

  5. A totally irrelevant question (to lighten the mood, hopefully!) : are you left-handed? I notice you line your annuals up from right to left in year order. I'm right-handed and do it left to right, so I just wondered... :D

  6. No I'm right-handed but I line up books the same way I would if they were laid flat, with the first cover at the top and last at the bottom, if you see what I mean.


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