Friday, December 27, 2019

New for 2020: REJECTED

A New Year is coming so what better than a new comic? Rejected is a compilation of stories written by Baden James Mellonie and illustrated by a variety of great artists. Why call it Rejected? Well, all the strips "ended up in development hell or I gave up on" says Baden, but now you have a chance to see them. A far better fate for them than languishing in some drawer. 

It's a Kickstarter project and here's Baden with all the details...

Pre-orders available now. 
So what is it?
It's a compilation or worst of. Or its a book of stuff that hasn't worked out yet. Frame it how you will. 

Rejected features my Tharg's future shock submissions, submissions for Strip magazine, (that unfortunately folded) as well as other strips that for one reason or another have ended up in development hell, or i gave up on.
It features a cover by the incredible Stephen Sampson and art by Karl Richardson, Patrick Goddard, Steven Austin, David Millgate, David Hitchcock, letters by Bolt-1 and articles by John Freeman and myself. 
It features scripts, abandoned projects, character designs, letters of rejection and tales of what might have been.

So what do i need? Simple.
So 100 of you to fund it at £15 a head.

What do you get? 
A copy of the graphic novel,American format, signed by myself and possibly others. It is, at least 64 pages, ( but it might be up to 80 pages long)
A thank-you in the list of contributors
A print of the cover
A book mark
A badge set. 
Postage and packing. 
An invite to the launch signing.
My gratitude. 
All you have to do is go to Paypal, and Pay. 
Friends and family is nice. 
Or you can do a bank transfer. Message me for details. 
I've a printer ready to go and reckon this will be nailed by the end of February 2020. 

So if it sounds like something you'll enjoy (and the preview pages here show there's some great stuff it'll contain) then there you go. Also, share this post if you will to spread the word.


1 comment:

  1. Wow, that page looking over the city is stunning, the level of detail is quite amazing.


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