Thursday, December 05, 2019

Out now! A wonderful new book on the life and work of Charlie Grigg

Just in time for Christmas is this marvellous surprise that would make an ideal present. The Life of Charlie 'Chas' Grigg, The Black Country's best kept secret is a 160 page paperback on quality paper and will be the best £10 you'll spend this year. 

In case you didn't already know, Charlie Grigg was one of D.C. Thomson's premier artists, drawing Korky the Cat, Desperate Dan, The Umbrella Men, The Red Wrecker, Splodge, Foxy, and many more strips that delighted millions of children over the years. When he retired from comics in the 1980s he went on to illustrate numerous "saucy seaside postcards" for Bamforth; fantastic full colour works delighting many adults. 
Sadly, in his later years, Charlie developed dementia, until he passed away in 2013. His family are dedicating half the proceeds of this book to The Alzheimer's Society and half to the Me, Myself and I group which gives support to people looking after others long term. 
The Life of Charlie 'Chas' Grigg is a wonderful book, written by Dr Brian Dakin in collaboration with the Grigg family to celebrate Charlie's life and work and his relationship with the Black Country, an area of the Midlands that derived its name from the industrial times. 
The book includes memories and anecdotes from Charlie's relatives and friends, as well as a good portion written by Charlie himself years ago, recounting his career and the various strips he drew. It's profusely illustrated with well reproduced strips, covers, photographs and other pieces of artwork showing Charlie's immense talent. There's also letters of correspondence shown from D.C. Thomson and others, and additional work that Charlie drew for calendars, birthday cards, etc. 
This really is the perfect book for all fans of Charlie Griggs' work and for aficionados of British comics in general. You can buy it directly from this link:

Charlie Grigg was the first artist that made an impression on me when I saw his Korky cover on the first Dandy I had in 1964. I was captivated by it right away, and seeing what Korky got up to next was a highpoint of my week when I was five years old. I still enjoy looking back at his work now I'm a 60 year old. He was one of the best comic artists the UK has produced and could handle humour and light adventure strips with equal skill. This book is a fine tribute to the man. Don't miss it!



  1. Just bought... also enjoyed the Terry Bave one ...hope more comic artists will share in book form etc..

  2. Do you have Leo Baxendale's 'A Very Funny Business', Peter? That was the artist's autobiography that I really enjoyed. Published in 1978 and probably expensive now but worth seeking out.

  3. A true master. As a kid in the early 70s, the Dandy felt a bit dated with Black Bob and Winker Watson, so I was very much a Beano boy. But always got the annual because of Charlie Grigg's covers and was sometimes tempted to buy the comic as well.

  4. It was the old fashioned look of The Dandy that appealed to me the most I think. The town I grew up in still looked very much like the 1940s/50s even in the 1960s/70s so it appealed to me. Beano of the 1970s seemed middle class by comparison. Charlie Grigg's work transcended that though I think and looked contemporary for any age.

  5. Thanks for the heads up lew. Ordered immediately. Would never have known about this if not for your blog

  6. That's good to hear. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.


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