Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Christmas CHEEKY (1979)

If this issue's cover had a soundtrack it'd be the "Hyak, hyak, hyak" sound of Sid James laughing. As they say, "Things were different in the '70s" and a kid's comic cover featuring a curvy blonde in mini skirt and thigh boots was a product of its time. 

The title character Cheeky featured in several pages inside, drawn by Frank McDiarmid, as he embarked on his usual wander around town, exchanging banter and cheesy jokes with those he met...
One of Cheeky's stories in this issue led to the inevitable slap-up feed for Christmas featuring other characters from the comic...
The were plenty of pages by other artists too, such as the barmy Elephant On The Run, illustrated by Robert Nixon...
...Paddywack by Jack Clayton...
...and Tub by Nigel Edwards, plus many more strips. 
On the back page, a tale of Cheeky's pet snail in Snail of the Century (a groan-inducing pun on the title of then-popular TV game show Sale of the Century)...
Cheeky ran for 117 issues before merging into Whoopee! It was published at a time when I'd stopped buying kids' humour comics for a few years so I never collected it, but I know a lot of you who were younger than me enjoyed it so I thought I'd post a few pages for Christmas. 

Another festive comic soon! 



  1. I loved Cheeky Weekly but like you, Lew, I was growing out of humour comics at the time so didn't stay with it for its entire run.

  2. I was really young when Cheeky and Krazy came out, but I loved them. Perhaps the two last great new British Comic Anthologies to be published. I still have a few copies from when I was a tiny child.

  3. I think Oink! was pretty good as well, although I'm biased. 😄

  4. And deservedly so, Lew. :D

    Unfortunately at that time the only comics I read were 2000AD and Judge Dredd Megazine. By the time I started reading humour comics again (The Dandy), Oink was long gone and even Buster was on its last legs.


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