Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Comics International back on track

It looks like the delays that have plagued the UK's top comics newszine this year are gradually being rectified as Comics International No.207 will be in comic stores soon, around six weeks since the previous issue. While still not quite on the 4-weekly frequency of old, it is nevertheless a promising improvement on its schedule.

As usual the reader has a choice of four covers. What's noticeable from the supplied images is that the layout has been improved with fonts chosen to give the covers a much more dynamic look.

The press release for issue 207 follows, containing the information on what looks to be another packed issue:

In the latest issue of Europe’s comics industry trade paper, writer Karl Kesel, artist Ramon Bachs and editor Steve Wacker talk exclusively to CI about making monkeys out of superheroes in Marvel Ape while a special Apes in Comics feature provides the lowdown on four colour primates.

Comics International No.207 goes on sale week commencing September 29. Featuring four alternate covers [pictured] and priced at the usual £2.99/$4.99, the 100-page issue also contains Selling Captain America to the World, in which a host of top creators offer their views on how those outside America might react to the in-development movie that features Marvel’s patriotic superhero in action during World War II. Also included alongside a comprehensive news section are a host of regular features and columns as well as numerous other exclusives, among them:

• The writer/artist team of Joshua Ortega and Liam Sharp discussing Gears of War, DC/WildStorm’s tie-in with Microsoft’s soon-to-be-released sequel to its top-selling computer game.

• Vertigo’s new Unknown Soldier faces tribal genocide and other horrors in 2 1st century Uganda – Joshua Dysart and artist Alberto Ponticelli reveal the hard work and passion that went into melding comicbook fiction with real life tragedy.

• Jason Wilson’s Smuggling Vacation has caused a stir in the British media. The cartoonist discusses the genesis of his controversial debut graphic novel.

• Writer Peter Milligan plumbs The Depths as he offers his thoughts on Namor and reveals the outlines his Sub-Mariner six-parter for Marvel.

El Diablo is being revived and writer Jai Nitz reveals his intentions for the new version of DC’s 1960s hero. Artist Phil Hester talks about the project from his point of view while also discussing Golly, the series he is writing for Image.

Thunderbirds are Go! CI’s unique in-depth examination of TV SF in British comics continues with the third in a six-part series devoted to strip spin offs from Gerry Anderson shows. This time the focus is the the ever popular rescue drama series that made SuperMarionation a household word.

Official website: http://www.comicsinternational.co.uk


  1. I'm quite surprised that DC Thomson haven't come out with an all Leo Baxendale or David Law collection.

  2. Um, that comment was supposed to be in with the Hotspur annual piece. Doh!

  3. Captain Apemerica?????
    I cant decide whether that is the coolest thing ever or whether there really is a shortage of good ideas. It does feel a little like wringing out every conceivable drop from an IP.
    Or.. is it the coolest thing?

  4. I dunno Andrew, sounds like Marvel are just following what DC did fifty years ago. Apes in comics are so 1950s. ;-)

  5. So where is it then Lew???? You advertised it as being out it's nowhere to be seen.


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