Sunday, September 14, 2008

Return of The Hotspur!

Tucked away on DC Thomson's website is an announcement that coming up is the publication of The Hotspur Book for Boys 1966, - a "re-mastered deluxe edition" of the original annual published in 1965.

This is a curious choice of reprint, but one which should test the market to see if there is sufficient nostalgic interest in the Thomson adventure comics to warrant similar books in the future. This particular book was the first of the Hotspur annuals.

At £16.99 the book is far more expensive than The Beano Annual, but no doubt has a much more limited circulation, hence a higher unit cost.

The promotional blurbs for the book proclaims: "So macho! In 1966 boys were boisterous and men were men.... 128 pages of testosterone packed story telling". Tongue-in-cheek promos like that, plus the cover illustration of two young men surfing, one astride the other's shoulders, gives the project a knowing wink to a post-modern audience and, with today's falling circulations, good luck to them.


  1. DC Thompson chasing the pink pound? I never thought I'd see the day!!!

  2. This is encouraging news. If this annual meets demands perhaps Thompsons will return the Hotspur to weekly status ? Just imagine buying the BIG FIVE again, Victor Hotspur Wizard Hornet Warlord.

  3. I've just looked up chasing the pink pound, RUBBISH! This is a boy's adventure annual nothing more nothing less. Why does modern society have to try and sour childhood memories?

  4. oh come on, that cover is as camp as a row of tents!!

  5. There's nothing gay about it. The book is a reforeshing remider of innocent times. Garth is baxck too. This could be the start of a UK comics revival???

  6. Boys! Boys! Can we just stick to the contents? OOERRRR!


  7. Jeez, this blog is turning into a Seventies sitcom. Let's be tolerant out there eh folks?

    Moving on: does anyone know which artists feature in this book?


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