Monday, September 14, 2009

Commando marches on

The latest issues of D.C. Thomson's long-running war and adventure comic Commando are in the shops now. Launched in 1961 the digest-sized comic is still in exactly the same format as it was when it began, (64 black and white pages) and even uses the same logo it's had since issue No.1. The only surviving British comic of all the many titles that were launched in the Sixties, Commando's resistance to new fads and formats is undoubtedly part of its appeal.

Publishing eight issues a month, in sets of four issues every two weeks, the current issues on sale until September 24th are as follows....

Commando 4227 THE BLACK EAGLE

Talk about jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire…
After surviving the ferocious battles of civil war that gripped Britain in the mid-17th Century, young Scots Tam Nicol and Jock Mackie ended up unwilling crewmen on a buccaneer ship in the Caribbean.
Now, come hell or high water, they have to endure the dangers of life aboard The Black Eagle!


When the Germans rolled into Norway in 1940, they expected some resistance. Resistance they confidently expected to crush.
At first all seemed to go according to plan — a number of Norwegians even welcomed the new rulers of the country.
Not all, though. One man in particular was determined to make the Nazis’ stay a Norwegian Nightmare


Yuri Murayev − ex-soviet Spetsnaz, ex-SAS advisor − had settled in the West, trying to put his past well behind him. But there’s always one last enemy for a hard case like Yuri to tackle!

Commando No 4230 FOUR VOLUNTEERS

The first rule of any army is − “Never volunteer for nuthin’!” Yet here were four normally sane British soldiers stepping forward to take part in a very deadly mission.
Each of the four had his own personal reason for his action… and each would find his decision tested to the full in the desperate days which lay ahead.

Thanks to Commando editor Callum Laird for the information.


  1. I picked up The Black Eagle over the weekend - a really unusual topic and I for one I'm glad Commando doesn't always plough the WWII furrow. The creators are Ferg Handley and Keith Page. As I type those names I realise that together they are Handley-Page, just like the aircraft manufacturer!


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