Thursday, September 17, 2009

This weekend in The Guardian / The Observer

As their week-long series of classic comics freebies draws to a close tomorrow with a reprint of a Seventies issue of Whizzer and Chips, both The Guardian and The Observer prepare to launch their next giveaways. Not comics, but they may interest budding artists. More info from Press Officer Hayley Dunlop....

The Guardian and Observer Guides to Drawing and Painting - free with the Guardian on Saturday (19 September) and The Observer on Sunday, are produced in collaboration with the Slade School of Art and the University of Gloucestershire. The guides will prove to be a useful starting point for anyone interested in learning how to draw (including the comic artists of the future!) or wanting to 'brush-up' (*groan*) on their existing skills. More details at:

And here's a nice write-up of the drawing guide from the University of Gloucestershire:

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