Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Christmas VIZ

Here's a quick look at the Christmas issue of adult humour comic Viz, in newsagents across the UK from tomorrow. A packed 52 pages of festive four-letter fun (and topical social satire for the grown-ups) featuring all the favourites.

Once again there's a seasonal free gift, and this time it's a 30th Anniversary calendar featuring every cover of Viz comic from the past three decades. It's a fascinating look at how the comic has evolved over its 191 issues and how it used to be funnier than it used to be. Or something.

Inside this month's issue Biffa Bacon goes shopping for a turkey with hilarious results...

The Bottom Inspectors turn up on Christmas Eve to inspect bottoms with hilarious results...

And Suicidal Syd (what I wrote and drew) embarks on some seasonal suicidal schemes with hilarious results...

Plus Christmas with the Drunken Bakers, Sid the Sexist, The Fat Slags, Eight Ace, Elton John's Gift Wrap Gyp, BNPea, Christmas Letterbocks, Nobby's Piles and much more. And snow on the logo, as is compulsory under the 1947 Christmas Comics Act.

£3.20 from the top shelves of all good (and average) newsagents and supermarkets and places like that wot sell comics from November 25th.


  1. Just bought my first Viz in years based on this preview, Lew.

    Not bad, but really it's not as funny as it used to be!

    Or maybe we all got used to it and the mainstream caught up?

  2. Good to see they are keeping the Christmas issue tradition alive with the seasonal trappings around the logos.


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