Sunday, November 22, 2009

Photos from the Memorabilia Show

Here's a handful of photos I took yesterday at the Memorabilia Show at the NEC, Birmingham. I couldn't guess how many people attended but it was easily in the thousands. Most of the attendees I saw seemed to be just browsers rather than buyers, but it was interesting to see genre shows like this pulling in the general public as well as the die-hard fans.

Above is Kat Nicholson and her Draw the World Together crew, valiantly producing numerous sketches all day for the charity.
You can view Kat's spectacular artwork here:
and the Draw the World Together website is here:

Below: Kat's partner Jason Cardy, also producing brilliant sketches for the charity. Visit Jason's website on DeviantArt here:

Below: Comic artist Lee Bradley chats to fans at the show. Visit Lee's blog here:

Two shots of crowds at the event.

Below: The Dalek Army invade the show.

Below: The Delorean from Back to the Future. (I'm not sure if this is the actual car used in the movie or a replica.)

Actors Francoise Pascal and Susannah York chatting to, and signing autographs for, the fans.

My thanks to Lee Bradley for the invite to appear as a guest at "Comic City" and to the fans who dropped by for a sketch. For more info on the show and future events visit the official website here:

1 comment:

  1. I beleive the actual Back To The Future car is kept in Britain. Or maybe that's the Mad Max car, i can't remember which.


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