Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Art of Jon Haward

Jon Haward is a UK artist who has been active in British comics for over 20 years, having illustrated a diverse range of strips from Spider-Man for Panini UK, Tales of the Bhudda for Wanted comic, and the highly regarded The Tempest for Classical Comics. I've known Jon for a few years now and always found him to be a dedicated, hard working artist with a genuine enthusiasm for the business.

With the comics industry not being what it was, Jon is currently looking for work. This surprises me, as he has an adaptable style suited to all kinds of comics. Here's just a very small sampling of his work which includes horror...


...licensed material...

...and superhero...

If you're an editor who'd like to get in touch with Jon, you can contact him via the phone numbers on his blog at:

To see much more of Jon's impressive work visit:


  1. The (tradtional) colouring work of the speedlines/special effects in Eternal Champions is still INSANELY good, might I add. D:

  2. I've been a long time fan of Jon's work ever since we alternated action strips in Sonic the Comic and to hear that Jon is short of work says more about the present downturn in commissioning than it does in the quality of Jon's artistry.

    He is without doubt one of this country's premier action strip artists, any art editor looking for an artist to create dynamic and punchy storytelling need look no further.

  3. thanks Leeann, peter and a big thank you to Lew ,very kind of you to give me a plug :-),it's great to know i have support out there by fellow artists and friends , means alot and i'm staying positive some thing will turn up, i still have Hamlet to finish this month and i'm keeping my fingers crossed the work front will improve
    thanks again and very best

  4. Jon, you're more than welcome. Your track record proves that you have the talent so never doubt your abilities. You've weathered quite a few storms in your life mate, both within and outside the industry so don't give up.

    Remember you're not a novice starting out. You're a professional artist who's made it. You *are* a success. Keep faith in yourself Jon. Good luck.


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