Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Strip Magazine is coming!

Recession? What recession? With the launch of CLiNT last month, and big news about something else coming soon (watch this space) the UK comics industry is livening up again, - and now here's Strip Magazine to add to the parade.

Strip Magazine is a brand new adventure comic from Lancaster based Print Media Productions that will launch early next year. Edited by John Freeman the comic is set to feature strips by PJ Holden, Michael Pennick, John Ridgway, James Hudnall, John McCrea, Phillip Hester and others.

With the permission of Egmont UK, Strip Magazine will also be including a classic reprint strip, - Hook Jaw, the dynamic and gory story of a killer shark which appeared in IPC's Action back in 1976. When Hook Jaw first appeared, it and other strips in Action gave the media an excuse for another anti-comic outcry, which sadly led to the comic being suspended for several weeks before returning in a diluted form.

Will Hook Jaw cause an outcry again, or has society moved on? Find out next year!

John Freeman will be attending the British International Comic Show next month to promote Strip Magazine at the Print Media Productions stand. That weekend will also see the launch of their Iron Moon graphic novel by Stephen Walsh and Commando artist Keith Page.

To find out more about Iron Moon and to follow the developments of Strip Magazine visit their blog at:


  1. Thanks fr the plug, Lew. We have two humour strips in the mix, one by me (for now) and Jon Rushby (probably best known for his work on TOXIC, but he's done tons of stuff down the years) and another that I'm going to leave as a surprize. Yes, humour strips alongside adventure strips. I suppose this is what is now called 'retro', but it always worked for me!

  2. This is going to be brilliant! Don't suppose it will have tightly-packed text stories with ornate line illustrations containing acres of cross-hatching... but you can't have everything XD.

    Erk, what's happened to the name/url posting option recently? I've seen it vanish from a few places. Oh well, the link my name is supposed to go to is!

  3. I changed the settings to prevent a troll posting here but I think he's learned his lesson now. ;-)

  4. Now this I'm looking forward to. I've always felt there is room for a magazine featuring classic reprint material from the 1970's.


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