Saturday, November 13, 2010

Blog Break

I'm very fortunate to have had one of the busiest years of my career throughout 2010 and this time of year is particularly hectic with Christmas deadlines. The Christmas strips for Toxic and Viz were done recently, along with an article on Forgotten British Superheroes for the next issue of Comic Heroes, but there's still work for The Dandy to come, Beano pages to catch up on, and the start of the 2011 material.

Therefore I'm reluctantly taking a break from this blog for a while. This is a volatile business and I've enough experience to know that nothing in comics, or in life, lasts forever so I'd best make hay while the sun shines. Or make comics while it's winter. Something like that. I'll be back sometime next month with some appropriately seasonal stuff, and in the New Year with hopefully at least a couple of postings a week.

Thanks for following this blog so far. If you're a new reader, take a look through the older postings to see if anything piques your interest. Feel free to leave comments if you wish as I'll still be monitoring those.

See you soon!


  1. Laura Howell has taken a year off on her blog ;)

    Look forward to more of your work in comics..really like your new Dandy strips..

    see you at comicsuk forum..:)

  2. Recession, wot recession?

    Glad to hear you're so busy Lew and you're priorities are most definitely correct!

  3. Great blog, good news you got loads of work. See you in the funny papers Lou.

  4. Next to blogging and stuff, Work is far more important. It's good that you are busy and this means more money to support you in your future, which is always a good thing ^_^

  5. What program did you use to colour in you art?

  6. I use Photoshop 7 which I bought several years ago. It's on a higher version now but the one I have is still ideal for comics colouring.


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