Saturday, November 13, 2010

From the Studio of Frank Bellamy

Alan Davis, one of the top comic artists in the business and a genuinely nice guy has long been an admirer of the work of the late Frank Bellamy. Although he never knew Frank, he did help Frank's widow Nancy clear out the artist's studio and asked if he could keep some of the artwork.

Alan has been holding onto the pages for many years, hoping they could one day be used in a book, but as this seems unlikely in the current economic climate he's decided to post them online so that Frank Bellamy's many fans can appreciate them.

There's a good variety of pieces, from Frank's well known work on Eagle and Thunderbirds, to the boards he illustrated for The Winged Avenger episode of The Avengers. There are several other pages too, some unidentified.

Take a look over on Alan's website at:

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