Monday, October 10, 2011

British comics are alive and well

For those who claim that British comics are "dead in the water", I'd urge them to read Paul Gravett's comments about the matter over on his website. Paul has long been the man with his finger on the (healthy) pulse of the UK comic scene, and is a recognized authority on comics from his days running the Fast Fiction table at London comic marts of the 1980s and editing Escape magazine, to writing several books on comics and running the Comica events. His words on the subject make inspiring and encouraging reading.

Some people may compare the handful of actual comic titles in newsagents today to the heyday of decades ago and find it a grim situation, and they'd have a point. However, Paul looks at the bigger picture, and offers a refreshing perspective after the pessimism and negativity of some bloggers. Check it out for yourselves:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for flagging this article up, Lew. Fascinating stuff!

    Matt Badham


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