Saturday, October 08, 2011

Poot! It's a hoot!

The adult humour comic Poot! was revived a while back and the latest issue, No.7, is out now. Distribution is improving on this title and according to its website Poot! is now available throughout the UK including many WH Smith branches at stations and airports. (In the last week I've seen it in two local newsagents myself.) In this day and age that's an impressive accomplishment for a comic that isn't connected to a merchandise license.

Comparisons to Viz are inevitable, but Poot! has its own identity, labeling itself as "Britain's Silliest Comic". It has 32 pages, all in full colour, with 17 pages of strips and the rest taken up with humour features and a handful of ads. My guess is that Poot! would appeal to a slightly younger reader than Viz, although both are aimed at over-18s of course. (And I imagine both comics are secretly read in the schoolyard anyway.) The humour is quite crude in places but not every strip is dependent on that. I chuckled several times whilst reading the comic. My personal favourite was Man Cat for its sheer daftness.

It's great to see another UK comic out there and I hope Poot! lingers around for a long time. If it's not available in your area yet you can subscribe via the official website:

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