Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas 1935: COMIC CUTS

We hurtle back in time 77 years today, to 1935 and the 'Grand Xmas Number' of Comic Cuts. The cover strip is Tinker and Tich and looks like the work of John Jukes to me.

Printed on green paper the 8 page tabloid-sized Comic Cuts featured the usual Amalgamated Press formula of four pages of prose sties and four pages of strips. One of those strips starred the robot (or 'Mechanical Man' as the term was then) Mac Hinery. I'm not sure who drew this one...

Percy Cocking was the artist on The Terrible Twins. Nice solid figure work. Mr.Cocking was also the artist on Weary Willie and Tired Tim over in Chips...

Dusky and Dando was unfortunately one of the strips that reflected the very different attitudes of the time. Presented here as a historical document, such stereotypical caricatures of black people have thankfully long since vanished from comics. No idea who the artist was...

Tucked in the corner of page six was an advert for a Waddington's card game Bobs y'r Uncle. Bob looks a very dodgy uncle if you ask me. (You can see the cards on this website.)

On the back page, the serial Plum and Duff manages to fit in a Christmas party at the end, although that spy obviously had nefarious plans for the New Year. Artwork by Albert Pease I believe...



  1. Intresting post, nice to see some old artwork!

    Early Christmas comics always had brilliant, busy logos and this one is no exception! Lots of stuff going on before you even reach the first comic strip!

  2. Really pleased to see these comics especially work by Mr Cocking or Jack Daw.
    Especially interesting as he was a relative.


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