Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Blimey! Christmas Selection

Like a variety tin of biscuits, here's a bumper selection of Christmas stories from over the years, starting above with Dudley Watkins' cover to The Christmas Beano for 1967. 

Next, also from 1967, Kicks has a bit of bother writing a letter to Santa. (Pow! No.50, 30th December 1967.) Art by Graham Allen.

Heading further back in time, here's Tilly of the Tea Shop dealing with an amorous waiter from Comic Cuts No.2.380 (December 28th 1935).

A nice festive centrespread for Basil Brush, with art by Chas Sinclair, from TV Comic No.993 (26th December 1970)...

Time for adventure with The Black Sapper from The Beezer No.258 (December 24th 1960). Art by Jack Glass...

Over to a popular comic for girls and Bella doing a good Christmas deed from Tammy in 1980. Art by John Armstrong...

Leo Baxendale's Clever Dick teaches his cousin Basil a lesson in this page from Buster and Jet, 25th December 1971...

Back to 1953 with Abbott and Costello from Film Fun No.1,771. Artwork by Walter Bell.

Fuss Pot kicks up a fuss as usual from Knockout 25th December 1971. Art by Norman Mainsbridge...

From Lion dated 29th December 1973, Adam Eterno brings festive respite to No Man's Land. Art by Solano Lopez...

The Sparky People meet Puss and Boots in this back page strip from Sparky No.258 (December 27th 1969). Art by John Geering...

It's Tom Thug's second Christmas in this strip from Oink! in 1987 drawn by me.

Also from that same issue of Oink! it's Regurgitating Robbie by Charlie Brooker (yes, him who's now a telly star). Underneath is a Snowman mini-strip by Davy Francis...

Which brings us back to that issue of The Beano seen at the top of this post. Here's the back page from that 1967 Christmas issue with Dennis the Menace in his pre-Gnasher days, drawn by Davey Law...

I hope that gives you plenty of yuletide reading over the holidays. All that remains is for me to wish you all a Merry Christmas! More blogging soon.


  1. Such a pleasure to see Roy Wilson's perfect cartoon art in Tilly's Tea shop. This man was such an inspiration to me and Clever Dick just takes me back...waaaaayyy back. Great blog post as ever Lew

  2. Wonderful Lew. Please feel free to ad more!. Im gonna call over my boys now and read through them.

  3. That's your lot I'm afraid, Andy, but there's plenty more in previous years' December posts if you haven't already seen them.

    Karl, now you mention it I can see Roy Wilson's influence in your figures, particularly the hands.

    I wasn't sure if Tilly was by him or one of his imitators. I'll root out the Roy Wilson book.

  4. That Dennis story's one of my all-time favourites - always fun to see Walter as part of "the gang".

  5. Cheers for taking the time out to post these today Lew. I often think my Christmas traditions are based more on what I read in comics than in anything I heard from school, church or family. Wertham was right I guess.

    Anyway, a nice varied selection and it was good to see an extended piece from a girl's comic too. This blog's always a pleasure - all the best for Christmas & 2013.

  6. Wow - what a wonderful Christmas treat, thank you Lew! I remember the Fuss Pot strip oddly enough - although '71 was a little before my time - it must've been reprinted in an annual or a later copy of Whizzer and Chips.

  7. Great Christmas selection this year, Lew.

    Merry Christmas from me to you.

  8. tnks lew, great dennis story, amazing davey law artwork! more of this please!

  9. Yep. A very merry Xmas Lew. Thanks for all the wonderful strips and info about Ken Reid and the like. Your enthusiasm has re awakened my own for humour comics and in turn Ive passed these on to my boys.

  10. A wonderful post,Lew. You always get me in a festive mood at this time of year. If there is one thing I loved as a kid,it was those pages with Christmas snow at the top.

  11. Thanks, all! Good to know the strips are enjoyed. Yes, those old Christmas comics had a magic about them. I used to save the Christmas Beano to read on Christmas Eve. Which reminds me, I haven't read all of this year's issue yet. Think I'll finish it off before I go to bed. Merry Christmas!


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