Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Storytime, - brand new story paper

It's not a comic, but this may be of interest to some of you. Luma Creative Ltd have recently launched a new prose fiction magazine for young children. Titled Storytime, the 52 page full-colour monthly is on sale in all major retailers. (I bought a copy from Sainsbury's.) 

With the low literacy standards of many children today it's never been more important to encourage them to read. Storytime is an excellent publication for parents to read to their kids, and for children to become inspired to enjoy the experience of reading themselves. 

The attractive design of the publication is of a very high standard, and the content consists of several stories comprised of fairy tales, myths, and a chapter from the classics (this month it's Alice in Wonderland). There are various styles of illustrations and all are engaging and suited to the particular story. In the back of the magazine there are seven activity pages related to the stories to give the reader more involvement. 

Storytime is a very classy looking publication. Curiously it reminded me of a magazine from my childhood, yet at the same time it looks very modern, - which I suppose echos the timelessness of children's stories. 

Issue 2 will be out any day now I think, with issue 3 scheduled for November 12th. If you have young children or grandchildren, or you collect story papers, Storytime is deserving of your support. You can find out more at the official website here:


  1. Do children have low literacy standards (I wouldn't know) - it wouldn't surprise me though as a lot of them seem content to play computer games and use Facebook rather than read. I'm so glad we had a wealth of comics to read - my father used to grumble a bit about comics not being educational but at least we were reading.

  2. I keep hearing in the media how children are not reading enough and some can't even read properly by the time they're in their teens. We need magazines like Storytime, - and more comics of course!

  3. Thank you Lew! We were very happy to read your review - and we hope you enjoy Issue 2 as much (out now)! We love comics ourselves too - and we appreciate to be in such great company in your blog!
    Happy reading to us all!

  4. I can get behind this. I was reading before school because of the kids magazines of the late 60s ( rainbow, Once Upon a Time, etc.) and here in Brazil kids as young as 3 or 4 are encouraged to read the Mauricio de Sousa's Monica comics and magazines.


  5. You're welcome! I hope Storytime proves to be a big success.


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