Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Titan launch new Doctor Who comic

Titan Comics have today launched the first issue of Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor. This is a new companion title to their recently published Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor and Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor ongoing comics. 

Written by Robbie Morrison (Nikolai Dante, White Death) and with stunning artwork by Dave Taylor (Judge Dredd), Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor is in the standard format of American comics and on sale in comic speciality shops (not newsagents or supermarkets). 

(Please note that this is not related to Panini's Doctor Who Magazine which continues to publish every four weeks.)

Here's the press release from Titan.....

Offering shocks, surprises, and galaxy-shaking revelations, seasoned TARDIS pilot Robbie Morrison (Drowntown, The Authority, 2000AD, Nikolai Dante) and New York Times-bestselling artist Dave Taylor (Batman: Death by Design; 2000AD) mark the start of their first five-issue run by diving headfirst into the console room and pulling all the levers they can – spinning the new Doctor off to his most challenging destination yet!
Freshly regenerated and with a new head full of unanswered questions, the Doctor (as played by Peter Capaldi) whisks Clara Oswald (as played by Jenna Coleman) away to a strange and distant world.
Clara thought she was in for an evening of marking essays on the Metaphysical Poets, followed by going out on a date – or at least trying to. You know, normal stuff.
Instead, she’s facing down exotic flora and fauna in her best dress, backing up the Doctor on a trek through traumatically alien undergrowth – and she doesn’t even know what the Doctor is searching for, or what will try to kill them should they find it!
New Face! New Doctor! New Beginning! Get in on the ground floor of this amazing ongoing series!

Now read the first four pages of issue 1 with this special preview:

Many variant covers have been printed for this first issue. See them all here: 


  1. Digital Spy showcased pages 4 and 5:

  2. Love Dave Taylor's artwork, such a pity these are not available at the newsagents, my oldest two would lap this up,(me too!).
    Unfortunately the nearest comics shop is well over an hours drive away. Wait for the Trade I suppose, but with this sort of thing, especially with kids, the fad may have passed at that stage. Ah well..

  3. My local comic shop is a few miles away too so I rarely visit. I ordered this comic from a dealer on eBay. There are still copies left:

  4. Thanks for the link, but from experience nothing beats the impulse buy from the newsies.
    The 'I like the look of that Dad' and then waiting a week plus the steam goes out of it for them. I order from mail order all the time, but I know what I am ordering, and within reason I know I will like it.
    I am hard to please:-)

  5. Last night I watched two Peter Capaldi episodes for the first time (using iplayer) and I really liked his Doctor - for the first time since Tom baker I thought he was an actor who really felt like the Doctor and not just somebody playing the role. I've been rather indifferent about modern Who so far but I'll probably watch more regularly from now on - well, until Capaldi is replaced by a twenty-something cool Doctor that is.

  6. Sorry for the delay in passing your comment for publication. I've been away for the weekend.

    Yes, Capaldi is great. Similar to Hartnell and Tom Baker in some ways, plus his own spin on it. I hope he'll be around for few years in the role.


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