Sunday, December 07, 2014

A Dandy of a bargain!

In Sainsburys today I noticed that their selection of Christmas annuals were all discounted now and that The Dandy Annual 2015 is down to only a pound a copy! It's not part of a buy-one-get-one-cheaper deal or anything like that, just £1 for the book. Even the most cynical Dandy critic surely can't begrudge paying that for 112 pages of top class fun? 

Amongst the all-new pages by Nigel Parkinson, Paul Palmer, Wilbur Dawbarn, Ken Harrison and more you'll find 12 pages by me on The Smasher, Keyhole Kate, and Korky the Cat. In one of the stories I have Keyhole Kate go back in time to 1937 to meet the original Keyhole Kate, which I hope will appeal to readers of all ages! 

Treat yourself (or someone else) to The Dandy Annual 2015 from Sainsburys now, for just a quid! (Annuals are available in other stores too of course.) 


  1. By strange coincidence I bought both the Beano and Dandy 2015 Annuals today - unfortunately not from Sainsburys though.

    I saw your Keyhole Kate strip while looking through the annuals and thought to myself that I really should let you know how much I enjoyed the artwork and especially the time travel concept.
    Then I look at your latest post and see the exact page. Spooky.

    Dave Whitwell

  2. The "best of" Annuals (Whizzer & Chips, Beezer, Topper etc) were down to £2.50 each in my local branch.

    Couldn't resist at that price !

  3. Yes, same here. A very good price indeed.

  4. always interesting that your Keyhole Kate seams a mix of the original and the one that was in Sparky.. (the hair is more Sparky).

    kinda unrelated but I haven't heard any news on how well the Dandy is doing with there Online version? interesting that Online versions of some characters (like Keyhole Kate) don't seam to be appearing in the Annuals..

  5. The version I'm doing is very much Laura Howell's version, who was the previous artist on Keyhole Kate. It's a good design so I was happy to follow with it.

    I've heard nothing about the online version, but freelancers are always the last to know about new developments. (Not a criticism. It's just how things are. Things work on a 'need-to-know' basis just like they do in any company.)

  6. Fair enough

    I guess one of the things with them going online is they don't publish the sales figures so the online version could be doing pretty badly, but would mostly cover running costs, which are cheaper then the printed version (which was more then covering costs just not as good as wanted (for various reasons)).

  7. Correct me if I'm wrong but I get the impression you think the online Dandy is still running? It ended within a few months of starting unfortunately in 2013. Lots of technical problems apparently with the animations etc.

  8. Ah,, I didn't know it ended.. though I hadn't checked in a while, since there were a lot of problems with it from the preview (mostly they were easy to fix.. just someone with some erm, IT skill ^_^;) could do it from what I saw..

    but I did check a few times this year.. and a few month ago.. I did wander what it didn't seam to change much, still said parts were 'under construction' etc.. but no message saying it had ended..

    Thanks for the news.. now Means Dandy has completely finished it's weekly comic (even if it stopped printing, it kept going via online but now, completely stopped.. just yearly annuals).

  9. There's always a possibility the digital version might return. Time will tell I suppose.

  10. Picked up the Dandy book today and noticed that the Oor Wullie annual is also marked down to £1.


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