Tuesday, March 17, 2015

This week's 2000AD

I'm not going to make a regular habit of promoting 2000AD here as plenty of other websites already do a fine job of that. Anyway, you can always simply visit their own website. However, I was so impressed with this week's cover that I wanted to bring it to the attention of any of you who hadn't seen it. 

The artwork is by Jake Lynch in a style some may call 'old school' but it's a great cover. The image is sharp, dynamic, and is the sort that'll stand out on the shelves. (Red is always a good colour to catch the eye.) Just what any publisher needs for a comic to be noticed. Plus the logo isn't obscured, so another win. (The only thing that doesn't stand out too well is the black font on dark red background in the bottom corner but perhaps it'll look better in print.) Jake Lynch was also the artist on the recent Orlok series in the comic and I hope we'll see more of his work in there soon.

As for the contents, you can check out a preview over on 2000AD's tumblr site here:

2000AD Prog 1922 will hit the shops on Wednesday 18th March. 


  1. I hate to say this Lew but on the actual comic they've printed the red background in a rather dull brown. The usual miserable 2000AD colour scheme.

  2. Really? The copy I've just bought doesn't have a brown background. Kind of a rusty red as opposed to the red in the jpeg but certainly not brown. It could vary between batches of the print run of course.

  3. Perhaps it's like that dress, different colour who's looking at it.


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