Wednesday, April 15, 2015

DWM Special Edition preview

Thanks to TARDIS technology (and the generosity of Panini UK) here's a quick preview of the Doctor Who Magazine Special Edition: The Art of Doctor Who that will be in the shops tomorrow! 

Even better than expected, the summer special features a wealth of information and artwork of the history of Doctor Who in comics, annuals, sweet cigarette cards, Target novelizations and more.

There's even a few images shot directly from the artwork which show off the brush strokes as well as the margin notes. Naturally the Doctor's more predominant appearances in titles such as TV Comic and Countdown are covered but it also shows covers to publications such as TV Tornado and Judy which featured the Time Lord. 

Where possible, quotes from the artists involved have been included and there's a new interview with Dave Gibbons on his time drawing the strip for the early issues of Doctor Who Weekly.

Editor Marcus Hearn and his team of writers have been very thorough in researching their subjects. As well as covering the history of the comic strips over the last 51 years there are also features on the DVD sleeve design, fanzine artwork, concept art of the series and much more. 

The 100 page special is an excellent publication packed with information. Essential summer reading for any Doctor Who fan and/or fan of British comics history. 

Doctor Who Magazine Special Edition No.40 - The Art of Doctor Who published Thursday 16th April 2015. £5.99.


  1. I am convinced that this special has been put together just for me! I might have to send off for my copy though.
    Can't wait!

  2. Looks like Panini are involved in a new DW partwork too:

  3. Thanks James. Well spotted. I hadn't seen that.

    John, it'll be available in WH Smith.

  4. This special is absolutely fantastic. I got my copy subscription yesterday and I've been dipping into it ever since.

    It will be the first time in a long while that I've read DWM from cover to cover (though I always read The Daft Dimension)

    The new Doctor Who partwork that James mentions is only being given a trial run at the moment in some parts of the country. If successful we can expect a UK wide release later in the year
    See here:

    It's a hatchett partwork so will hopefully be as high a quality as the Judge Dredd books are

  5. Thanks Target. I thought it might be a trial run. Let's hope it succeeds.

  6. Very well priced too, I will pick it up over the weekend.

  7. Got mine today, Lew! PLUS the new Hachette partwork as well @£2-99. I didn't expect to see it on this town!


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