Friday, April 17, 2015

Festival appearance cancellation

I'm very sorry to say that due to a persistent virus/flu I won't be able to attend the Birmingham Comics Festival tomorrow. I'm annoyed with myself for several reasons because of this, especially as I was one of the first guests invited by organiser Steve Tanner who is one of the good guys in the UK comics industry. (Steve's also the publisher of Time Bomb Comics. Check them out.)

I'm also sorry to not be able to meet up with friends and colleagues old and new, and that I'll miss the readers who are attending. I was really looking forward to going and I'm gutted not to be there. My sincere apologies to those of you who were bringing comics along to be signed and/or hoping to buy a sketch. I hate letting people down. 

By sheer bad luck this is the second event in six months I've had to cancel due to some virus or other. All the months in-between I've been as right as rain!

On a positive note the guest line-up is so amazing that I'm sure my non-appearance will have no impact on the enjoyment of those attending. It sounds like it's going to be a fantastic event and the weather forecast is excellent so I'm sure that everyone who attends will have a great time.


  1. Sorry you couldn't shake it off in time, Lew. Get well soon, mate. Sounds like it may be the very same "cold-from-HELL!" virus I had throughout Feb! Better prepare yourself to be left with a cough for weeks afterwards!
    Bet this has REALLY cheered you up!

  2. Get well soon....sorry this has happened...hopefully next time all is well!!

  3. I've read that if everybody in the world quarantined themselves in their houses for two weeks we could kill off all the cold and flu viruses in existence - now we just need somebody to organise it :)

  4. Sorry to hear that you've been unwell Lew. I hope you are feeling a little better now.

  5. Still not right but getting there hopefully, thanks.


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